Landscaping and Garden Supply in Newburgh and Evansville, IN

How To Care For Your Azaleas


Flowering Azaleas at My Farm - The Martha Stewart Blog

Where to plant-

Traditional azaleas are a great option for your shade loving garden. They are a favorite plant to many home-owners! When choosing the right location for your new azalea, look for an area that only receives 2-4 hours of MORNING SUN. While the tags of most Azaleas say "part sun," afternoon sun is typically too hot for azaleas and will cause damage. 

How to plant-

When planting your new azalea, be sure that you have dug your hole larger than the root ball size. When removing your azalea from the pot, be sure to loosen up to roots. Sometimes you may be able to do this with your hand, while other times you may need to use a knife. Add soil amendments to your soil once you plant them. Plant the azalea level or slightly above the surface. Back fill the hole with your amended soil and then water with a hose deeply. 

How to water-

When watering your azalea, Make sure you water with a hose, and water the base of the plant. You should only need to water your shrub 1-2 times a week for the first several weeks and then cut back accordingly. 

How to prune and fertilize- 

Late spring, after your azalea has bloomed, is the best time to prune your azalea. You do not want to prune in winter due to pruning off any buds and potential blooms. For the healthiest azalea, prune only every 3-4 years. When fetilizing your azalea, its best to fertilize in late fall or early spring.